CS 385: Operating System Concepts and Design
Handouts (available only at UIC)
If you are a UIC student who is connected through a non-UIC ISP, you can get these handouts via either of two techniques. If you have a fast connection then a) login to a uic machine, b) set DISPLAY to the machine you are working on, c) run netscape, d) save the file, e) copy the file to your local machine. Otherwise, just use UIC dialin accounts to download the files needed.- Lecture Notes
- Lab Notes
- Homework 1 (Due 24 Feb)
- Homework 2 (Due 15 Mar)
- Test 1 will be on 1 Apr 2004. Happy april fools day. Test will cover up to, but not including, banker's algorithm.
- Homework 3 (Due 29 Mar)
- Test 1 soln (note this was revised on 9 Apr)
- Final Exam: 10:30 Friday May 7th in LC F4
- Homework 4 (Due 23 Apr)
- Homework 5 (Due 30 Apr)
- Review session 06 May 2004 in LC A4 from 3:30--5:30 (or until you run out of questions, whichever comes first).
- Sample Final
- Homework 1 (Due 10 Oct)
- Homework 2 (Due 17 Oct)
- First test is scheduled for 22 October.
- Homework 3
- Program 2 (revised 4 Nov)
- Test 1 solutions
- Test on november 26 (cumulative). Test will be cumulative, focusing on material since the first test and material on the first test the class overall did not answer well. The last slide covered is page 25 of advancedKernel.
- Review: Dec. 8, Monday @ 5:00 (bring questions)
- Final: Dec. 9, Tues 3:30-5:30 (219 BSB)
- Test 2 solutions
- Projects
- Concurrency HW (Due. 1 Feb)
- Semaphores, 2-phase locking, and deadlock (Due. 15 Feb)
- Deadlock (Due. Monday 25 Mar)
- Tues 26 Mar: Test review
- Thur 26 Mar: Test (Introduction through Advanced Processes)
Course work
The course work consists of:
- 4 Programs
- 2 tests
- 1 final
Tests will cover conceptual issues from kernel design and programming techniques covered.
Academic integrity
Students who are caught cheating will immediately fail the course, and have the cheating recorded in their record--if they admit to cheating. Students who already have been caught cheating will go through disciplinary hearings, with the goal of having them expelled from the university.
Students who fail to demonstrate on tests an understanding of the programs they have handed in will fail the course.
You are not to show your program to anyone nor to look at anyone else's program. You may discuss programming concepts but only in general term.
Covered topics
This course covers operating systems at the conceptual and implementation viewpoints.
- Independent Processes and Kernels and their implementation
- Coordinating Processes
- Concurrency, Synchronization
- Deadlock, Deadlock detection and avoidance
- Memory Management
- File Systems
- Protection